Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Perfect Wellness

Want to know why most of you have already forsaken your New Years resolutions? It is because you failed to embrace one of the most critical and elemental concepts when it comes to improving your wellness. I must warn you, this is not very exciting. It's not very sexy. In fact, most people would perceive this advice as down right boring! So, if you want something that really floats your boat, gets you pumped up, hyped and jazzed about reaching your dream of perfect health, then go to one of those self-help gurus for your fix of false hope destined to be dashed on the rocks of reality. However, if you're really interested in a formula for success that will help you meet your goals of improving your fitness, nutrition and stress management, then I've got some solid advice for you. Are you ready? Are you sitting down? OK, here it goes...embrace moderation.
Yep, that's it! I told you it wasn't very exciting, but when it comes to a strategy that can lead to lifetime wellness, embracing moderation is without a doubt the single most important concept for you to implement. The major problem for most people is their approach to wellness. Many people decide at the first of the year to rid themselves of their past bad habits and neglectful practices. Many people decide to start a fitness program by hitting the gym for a two-hour workout starting at 4:00 am. This is followed by going from a diet rich in meat and fat to a one-hundred percent raw food Vegan diet. And, what the hell, we might as well throw in some deeply spiritual mediation practices twice a day for at least a couple of hours to ensure you are also enlightened within a couple of weeks. Recipe for success? I think not! This fantasy will end the second their fist crashes down on the alarm clock ringing at 4:00 am. Oh well, there's always next year!
I know, this is an extreme example, but in truth it's not really that far off. Many people start something at the beginning of the New Year with really good intentions. The problem is they are typically trying to erase years, if not decades, of abuse and decline. Many people really think they can get in shape in just a few weeks and rarely do they think in terms of something they can stick with for the rest of their lives. We all want that quick fix and the thought of having to spend a lifetime busting butt, eating sticks and leaves and sitting on the right hand of God is simply unrealistic.
This is where moderation comes in. Moderation in our fitness goals means we are just starting out we should set reasonable and, more importantly, reachable goals. For example, a beginning fitness program could start with walking 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Moderation in nutrition means we start by simply eating smaller portions. The truth is by the end of the day if your calorie consumption is higher than your calorie expenditure you will gain weight no matter what you are eating. Moderation in stress management means maybe we start by just sitting still experiencing gratitude for all the positive things in our lives for 10 minutes each day. Get the picture? Make an honest assessment of what you CAN do and then just start to build gently from there.
Being reasonable, setting realistic and obtainable goals, being kind and patient with ourselves is truly the path to success. Just remember that one key word when you are tempted to get carried away...moderation.

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